Family says goodbye after a record-breaking 12 years

Families tend to stay with The Music Train for a long time. In a recent survey, 10% of families said they had been coming to classes without a break for more than 5 years and 25% for more than 3. However, today was a particularly momentous day in The Music Train calendar as today we said goodbye to a gorgeous family after more than 12 years attendance!
When asked why they had come along for so long, mummy said that "The Music Train covered everything" With our syllabus constantly being refreshed and updated according to the latest research, we have found that parents are not bored - even after 12 years. Our mummy also praised the teaching of our lovely Hayley Ayres, who has been their teacher for the final year with us.
As you might expect, the day was marked by the eating of much chocolate cake. Andrea Lee also popped in to say a special goodbye and reminisced about the time she taught the older children. Just before leaving, our young leaver treated us to a lively and dramatic rendition of a 'Frozen' song. This family will be sorely missed.
‘Outstanding Activity Leader’ Finalist

Andrea Lee, Letchworth Teacher and Founder of The Music Train, was recently nominated by parents for the What's On 4 Little Ones Award for Outstanding Activity Leader (East). We were delighted to learn this week that she has now been selected as a Finalist. Awards will be presented later this month.
Meeting ‘Playsongs’ Vocalist

Music Train parents are very familiar with 'Playsongs' CD and book, and today Andrea Lee was privileged to hear several of these songs sung live by the female vocalist Sandra Kerr at a training day held in Gateshead. Songs sung in the training workshop included Pop Pop Pop go the Poppers, Dabbling Ducks and many others with which we are so familiar at The Music Train.
Sandra is well known as a co-writer of the music for the much loved children's programme Bagpuss. She was also the voice behind one of the Bagpuss characters, Madeleine Remnant, the ragdoll and some of the mice. Sandra is currently highly sought after for teacher training workshops and is a Lecturer at Newcastle University.
Life after Music Train

We were delighted to receive this email yesterday:
I am sitting here watching the proms and I suddenly thought of The Music Train! I wanted to email and let you know how Ben has been getting on as I hope it will inspire your new Music Train parents! If you remember Ben used to sit at the side a lot in lessons and could be quite shy. However when he started school, being the oldest in the year he was given the main part in the Christmas concerts. He had to dance and sing and you would not think it was the same child. At the age of 6 we bought him a cheap keyboard, which after four weeks he was so good at playing, we had to get him a yamaha keyboard instead. He started piano lessons in April and his teacher says he is better than some of the 10 year olds he teaches and is picking things up amazingly quickly. He was helped of course by reciting Catty C Doggy D Elephant E etc which his piano teacher had no clue about to start with!! We are hoping he will take his grade 1 next year as he has just turned 7.
His elder brother Thomas had violin grade 1 and when he went to fiddle fiesta was very proud to be a second violin! (He went to Music Train in Luton!) I have also got in on the act and am trying to learn the saxaphone !! Anyway I will stop now but I just wanted you to know how things had gone and how grateful I am to you for all your efforts in previous years, as it is certainly making a difference now and I am a really proud mum when I see them play!
Best wishes
Paula Brown Ben and Thomas
Early Music Train pupil performs in the Proms

One of our early students, Rotimi Osindero performed clarinet with National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain at the BBC Proms which was aired August 2012. The performance is now on BBC iPlayer.